10 Years of Wingman
Staff past and present came together on Thursday 4th April to celebrate 10 years of Wingman.
Set up and run by ex-international and Lions rugby player Rory Underwood, Rory has amased 35+ years not only playing rugby but flying in the RAF and most recently working with a number of blue chip companies.
Wingman was born back in 2010 with just two employees and today has 8 including consultants, operations, marketing and support staff.
Wingman supports businesses in dealing with, or planning for growth, by showing them how to build the sustainable, high-performance environments required to deliver their goals and release the full potential of their people.
As specialists in building high-performance environments, Rory Underwood and the Wingman team know what great teams can achieve and understand what it takes to build them.
The evening celebrated the inputs and influence of all the staff who have worked at Wingman in the last 10 years and looked towards the future.
The future for Wingman looks bright with new clients starting programmes this year, lots of meeting in the diary with potential new clients as well as Rory attending a variety of speaking events.
If you think your business could benefit from the services of Wingman please get in touch for a chat.

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